In his election speech Pedro said, "If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true." Same goes for Drama Club. Where else can you become prince or pauper, cowgirl or spaceman, president or murder victim... or both? Get your Drama Club t-shirts as ringers for both authenticity and class.
drama, theater, theatre, drama club, theater class, theater team, performing arts, drama geeks, theatre arts, napoleon dynamite, vote for pedro Read more »

When is it not a great to be a falcon?? Well maybe if your mascot isn't the falcon but oh well. We're focusing on the Falcons for this design! Or any bird mascot since our friend can be used for falcons, hawks, and eagles. With his piercing gaze, he's ready to show some school spirit pride. How about you?
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Soar on the wings of the Eagles! With this new design your team will stand proud and majestic, just like their mascot. Add a touch of splatter with the eagle's sharpness, and you get an eye-catching design for any event. Customize with your own mascot and school colors for an equally eye-catching design! Need inspiration?
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We have a great design for Falcons and now we have one for Warriors! Or Vikings or whoever your mascot may be. Point is your school will agree that it's great to be a member and this design says it all. Splatter, grunge, bold font, and an iconic mascot. Even if it's a little crooked in some places but that adds to the greatness!
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Frenchies are so awesome! Both the bulldog and the people, although I'm not sure if the latter would appreciate the term 'frenchy.' Anyway, this design is a cute way to show how much you love French class, but in a subtle way. I mean who doesn't love bulldogs with all their wrinkles and folds? So ugly it's cute? Join the 'frenchy' crowd!
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Bah da bah bah bah! I'm learnin' it! Now while McDonald's isn't French, they do have a catchy tagline. Just makes you want to get some McDonald's, doesn't it? Well we have utilized a fancy mustache with a fun tagline to get your whole school pumped for French class. Catchy shirt plus fun wordplay equals everyone learning a new language! Possibly everyone...
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Remember the Parlez-vous design? Now we have an answer to said design! With a classic No. 2 pencil, you can now respond if someone ever asks if you speak French. Unless if you're not in French class then there's nothing we can do about that. But for those who are, grab this shirt for your French-speakers as you all practice!
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An chanté! Having 'class' isn't always bad, particularly when it's French. Same can be said about wordplay, and this design has both truth and witty humor. It's the classic excuse of missing hang outs with friends with an extra dash of sass. Customize with your school colors and strut your sense of class.
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Ohh the glorious Eiffel Tower! Now as a creative shirt design! And this design oozes with French. Iconic colors, France, the Eiffel Tower, French club, the whole package. Grab these shirts as you go about your days in French club. Who knows? Maybe one day you'll travel to France and meet the Eiffel Tower itself.
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You know, sometimes a simple design just works. And that can be said about this design here. The country flag and the club name are all you need to show the club some love. Maybe throwing in the country colors would help too but that's another detail. Place the name of your awesome school that has said awesome club, and you have shirts for all the members to enjoy.
French, flag, France Read more »