Can you believe decathlons have both a 400-meter run, a 1500-meter run and 8 MORE events? Your young-in’s and munchkins might not have that in ‘em, but they sure can help raise money for their school! Just use the color picker on this page to enjoy this retro design in YOUR school colors! We’ll get back to you within one business day with a totally unique design.
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Did you know that not one but TWO American presidents kept alligators at the White House? And that there’s a Darth Vader Gargoyle on the Washington National Cathedral? There’s lots of history to explore in DC. Sure, some more important than others, but we’ll let you decide which is which. Oh! And don’t forget the shirts. :)
dc, washington dc, trip, history, museum, trip Read more »

Walk-a-Thons aren’t just a great way to raise money for that new classroom and those school computers. They’re a great way to get kids outside and using those feet! Exercise is good for the soul -- and so are shirts! They’ll keep you stylish and united. Just make sure there’s plenty of water.
walk-a-thon, walkathon, jogathon, jog-a-thon, fundraiser Read more »

HEY! Remember that the amount you’re pledging is PER MILE and not overall. You don’t need to be writing down a showy $25.00 and the next thing you know little Brendan pulls out his inner Olympian and you owe Main Street Elementary $434.92. Don’t let it happen to you. Oh! And be sure to order this super awesome shirt. Good night and good luck.
jog, run, shoes, fundraiser, school Read more »

Love your student council? Surprise them with a gift of brand new shirts! This design has the right combination of class and vintage feel. Honor your group with the years they made the school awesome and your school name as usual. Even place in your mascot if you'd like.
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Let's go Mustangs! We have a wild design to compliment with your wild spirit. Now you can never go wrong with the iconic bucking bronco and his cowboy. That's set and done. But this design has an extra kick with two-toned splatter text. Super cool and a nice detail to make your shirts pop! Use the two-tone text with your mascot and make your school unique.
mustangs, broncos, two-tone, school spirit, mascot Read more »

The timeless design of a large initial and your school's name in the middle just keeps on working! Now the 'S' can be changed to any letter you see fit. Even add in two initials if your school has two words. Add in the school motto for extra huzzah! And always a distress layer for that classic look!
initial, letters, athletic Read more »

It's that time of year for hype! Getting rowdy is an understatement for how excited your school will be to get new spirit shirts. This design has it all. Well maybe not all if you'd like your mascot to join in. There's a perfect spot on top or you can discuss with your designer about another perfect place for it.
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Zoo, Zoo Trip, Giraffe, Sky, Clouds Read more »

Make. Some. Noise. Everybody! Are you all set for spirit day and spirit week? Stir up the school with this design. You have bold, large text, distress layers for added hype, and plenty of space for all the important info. Such as the year, your school name, and the event, of course.
school spirit, spirit, spirit day, spirit week Read more »